Inside Out 2 Arrives Sooner Than Expected!

Hold onto your hats, Pixar fans! The news everyone’s been buzzing about is finally confirmed: Inside Out 2 is officially hitting theaters this summer!

The first film, which explored the inner world of emotions guiding a young girl named Riley, captured hearts worldwide. Critics and audiences alike praised its ability to navigate complex emotions with both humor and depth.

And if the recent sneak peek is any indication, Inside Out 2 is poised to deliver another emotional rollercoaster. A lucky few recently got a 30-minute preview of the film, and the response has been overwhelmingly positive. Social media is flooded with praise, with fans calling it “a perfect sequel” and even “the best Pixar film in a decade!”

The new footage highlights the film’s signature blend of humor and heart. The original cast, including Amy Poehler, Phyllis Smith, Lewis Black, and more, reprise their roles as Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Disgust. They’re joined by newcomer Maya Hawke, who lends her voice to a brand new emotion: Anxiety.

From the looks of it, Anxiety isn’t the only newcomer. The film seems to introduce additional emotions, likely reflecting the broader range of feelings experienced by teens and adults navigating an increasingly complex world.


What’s Inside Out 2 About?

Prepare to revisit Riley’s mind as she enters her teenage years! This new chapter will showcase a whole new cast of emotions influencing her thoughts and actions.

Pixar‘s official synopsis teases the arrival of Anxiety: “The little voices inside Riley’s head know her inside and out – but next summer, everything changes when Disney and Pixar’s ‘Inside Out 2’ introduces a new Emotion: Anxiety.”

Director Kelsey Mann hints that Anxiety will be a force to be reckoned with: “Anxiety, voiced by Maya Hawke, might be new to the crew, but she’s not the type to take a back seat,” said Mann. “That makes a lot of sense if you think about what goes on inside all our minds.” You can Watch the trailer below:

Get Ready for a Summer of Feels

A trailer, poster, and film stills are already available, further amping up the excitement. Inside Out 2 promises to be a feel-good (or perhaps feel-everything) film that audiences of all ages won’t want to miss. Mark your calendars for what’s sure to be a summer blockbuster!
