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“Ideal highlights of beauty” – what would the stars look like in proportion to the “golden ratio”


The Golden Ratio is a mathematical formula first used by Leonardo da Vinci to depict the perfect body of a man. 

Scientists use the golden ratio every year to identify the most beautiful women in the world, for example, last year the most beautiful woman was recognized by scientists Bella Hadid, whose percentages of facial plots were closest to the appearance of the “ideal woman”. 

Bright Side decided to have a fun experiment and with the help of Photoshop created a “perfect face” of stars, which met the standards set by science according to the golden ratio.

Angelina Jolie

Ariana Grande


Sarah Jessica Parker

Timothee Chalamet

Emilia Clarke

Brad Pitt

Sophie Turner


Megan Markle

Margo Robbie

Gal Gadot

Keanu Reeves


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